A furniture store built in the 1940s and most recently served as a thrift store is being transformed by DAHLIN client, Wakeland Housing & Development Corp., into an affordable housing project with the site being donated by Price Philanthropies. The new six-story multifamily building will retain the original facade, designed in a classic art deco style. It has been designed by DAHLIN and Steve Dalton Architects. Steve Dalton Architects provided the conceptual design, and DAHLIN is the architect of record, taking it through schematic design to completion.
In this interview with San Diego Business Journal reporter Ray Huard, Whitacre said, "It's very intentionally in a dialogue with the art deco style. You'll see the separation between what's old and new, but it's respectful of the historical and reflecting the historical style...We're having a lot of fun with the interior design too, playing with pastel colors, these pinks and greens that are pretty bright and bold, and these sorts of angular patterns."
The full article is available to San Diego Business Journal subscribers.